He keeps watch over your soul, and he knows you knew! And he will judge all people according to what they have done. For God knows all hearts, and he sees you. Mij mwpNahk vd ghahfpy > ,Ujaq fisr Nrhjpf fpwth mwpahNuh? cd Mj Jkhitf fhf fpwth ftdpahNuh? mth kD\Uf F mtdtd fphpiaf Fj jf fjhfg gydspahNuh?ġ2 Don't try to avoid responsibility by saying you didn't know about it. Kuzj Jf F xg gpf fg gl lth isAk > nfhiyAz zg Nghfpwth fisAk tpLtpf ff $Lkhdhy tpLtp.ġ1 Rescue those who are unjustly sentenced to death don't stand back and let them die.

Mgj Jf fhyj jpy eP Nrhh e J Nghthahdhy > cd ngyd FWfpdJ.ġ0 If you fail under pressure, your strength is not very great. ĩ The schemes of a fool are sinful everyone despises a mocker. JPaNehf fk ghpahrf fhud kD\Uf F mUtUg ghdtd. Ĩ A person who plans evil will get a reputation as a troublemaker. JPtpidnra a cghaQ nra fpwtd J\ ld vd dg gLthd. When the leaders gather, the fool has nothing to say. %lDf F Qhdk vl lhj mtd epaha] jyj jpy jd thiaj jpwthd. Ħ So don't go to war without wise guidance victory depends on having many counselors. ĥ A wise man is mightier than a strong man, and a man of knowledge is more powerful than a strong man.Įy Nahridnra J MNyhridf fhuh mNefuhy n[aq fpilf Fk. QhdKs std mwpTs std jd ty yikia mjpfhpf fg gz Zfpwhd. Ĥ Through knowledge its rooms are filled with all sorts of precious riches and valuables. MwptpdhNy miwfspy mUikAk ,dpikAkhd rfytpjg nghUs fSk epiwe jpUf Fk.

ģ A house is built by wisdom and becomes strong through good sense. TPL Qhdj jpdhNy fl lg gl L> tpNtfj jpdhNy epiyepWj jg gLk. Ģ For they spend their days plotting violence, and their words are always stirring up trouble. Mth fs ,Ujak nfhLikia Nahrpf Fk > mth fs cjLfs jPtpidiag NgRk.

Nghy yhj kD\h Nky nghwhik mth fNshNl ,Uf fTk tpUk ghNj.ġ Don't envy evil people don't desire their company. Tip: To view chapters clear the search box